
How to say delicious and tasty in Japanese|Native speaker explains that!

Hi, I'm Kuma. Do you have experience to eat Japanese dish? At that time, how do you say delicious in Japanese?

Today,I explain some phrases which mean tasty or delicious in Japanese. Probably, you have a lot of time to use these expressions when you come to Japan. This is because Japanese food is really tasty,haha.

I want to know that expressions!

How to say delicious

  • おいしい
  • すごいおいしい
  • うまい
  • めちゃめちゃうまい
  • おいしすぎる/うますぎる

I tell you these in order.

How to say delicious and tasty in Japanese

おいしい(Oishii). It's the most normal and important expression.

The first expression is "おいしい"




An example sentence

If you want to say sushi is delicious, you can make the sentence below.


Sushi ga oishii

"Sushi is delicious"


You want to say  "really delicious", you should say "すごいおいしい(Sugoi oishii)"


Sugoi oishii

Very delicious

すごい means "really" or "very" when this is in front of adjective.


The second expression is Umai.



"tasty" or "good"

Compared with おいしい, it's more casual. Japanese tend to say "うまい!"naturally when they eat something tasty.

An example sentence


Ramenga umai!

"Ramen is tasty."


If you want to emphasize the good taste of dish, you should add "めちゃめちゃ"  in front of "うまい". It means very delicious.


If dish you eat is perfect taste and you want to express very and very delicious, you should use "うますぎる"



Very and very delisous

The difference between おいしい and うまい

Next, I explain these difference in detail.

おいしい = the elegant expression

うまい = much casual expression of "Oishii"

At last

Thank you for reading! See you next time.



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