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How to say 5 animal names like cat and dog in Japanese

Hey, I'm Kuma. Today, I want to explain how to say animal name in Japanese. InuI want to know animal names like a cat and a dog in Japanese! To tell the truth, in Japan, there are a lot of animals called by English names. However, some animals have Japanese original name. Probably, you don't have opportunity to know these names. In this article, I explain about these animal names. I explain 5 animals name in order. If you finish reading this article, you can know 5 popular animals names in Japanese. 5 animal names dog cat bear elephant dolphin dog The first animal is dog. Japanese people call dog "いぬ(Inu)". It's really simple. If you want to say puppy, you should say "こいぬ(Koinu)". The additional information Do you know the famous dog in Japan? The dog is "はち(Hachi)". He is known as a faithful dog. Hachi waits for his owner for 10 years after his owner died. This story impressed many people and he became really famous. In Shibuya there is the statue of Hachi, and it is one of the most famous sightseeing spots in Tokyo. Cat After I teach the name of dog, I should explain how to say cat in Japanese. Japanese call cat "ねこ(Neko)" The additional information There's a famous proverb related to Neko in Japan. ねこにこばん Nekoni Koban It’s the same meaning of “cast pearls before swine” in English. こばん(Koban):an oval gold coin. This proverb expresses that even if the thing is precious, there’s no meaning for people who don’t ...




8 useful Japanese phrases when you travel in Japan!!!

Hi,I’m Kuma. Do you have a plan to come to Japan? If so, you should learn some Japanese phrases. This is because you can get along with local Japanese people more by using Japanese words. Today, I explain Japanese useful phrases when you travel in Japan. These are essential words in Japan, if you can memorize these, you can annoy your traveling or staying 10phrases こんにちは(Konnichiha) It means “hello” in Japanese. It’s essential word so you should remember this phrase. If you can tell this phrase to Japanese people, they become happy! Also,Japanese think greeting is important for ever people so you can give nice impression to others. How to say Hi and Hello in Japanese|Native explains good expressions ありがとう(Arigatou) The second phrase is ありがとう,which means “Thank you” in Japanese. Probably, you have many opportunities to use this word. I explain “how to say thank you in Japanese another article. Actually, you should memorize “ありがとうございます(Arigatou gozaimasu),which is the polite meaning of “ありがとう” How to say thank you in Japanese|Native speaker explains that わたしの名前は〇〇です。 If you want to say “My name is”, you should use “わたしのなまえは”(Watashino namaewa). You just put your name after “わたしのなまえは” If you want to get other knowledge about self-introduction, please refer to the article below. In this article, I explain how to introduce yourself such as your age, your country where you are from and so on. How to introduce yourself in Japanese? | Native speaker tells you good example!  〜に行きたいです。 The fourth phrase is “~に行きたいです”. This means that “I want to go~.” It’s useful ...




7 Japanese love songs which you can learn pronunciation




How to say delicious and tasty in Japanese|Native speaker explains that!

Hi, I'm Kuma. Do you have experience to eat Japanese dish? At that time, how do you say delicious in Japanese? Today,I explain some phrases which mean tasty or delicious in Japanese. Probably, you have a lot of time to use these expressions when you come to Japan. This is because Japanese food is really tasty,haha. InuI want to know that expressions! How to say delicious おいしい すごいおいしい うまい めちゃめちゃうまい おいしすぎる/うますぎる I tell you these in order. How to say delicious and tasty in Japanese おいしい(Oishii). It's the most normal and important expression. The first expression is "おいしい" おいしい oishii "delicious" An example sentence If you want to say sushi is delicious, you can make the sentence below. すしがおいしい Sushi ga oishii "Sushi is delicious" すごいおいしい You want to say  "really delicious", you should say "すごいおいしい(Sugoi oishii)" "すごいおいしい" Sugoi oishii Very delicious すごい means "really" or "very" when this is in front of adjective. うまい(Umai) The second expression is Umai. うまい umai    "tasty" or "good" Compared with おいしい, it's more casual. Japanese tend to say "うまい!"naturally when they eat something tasty. An example sentence ラーメンがうまい! Ramenga umai! "Ramen is tasty." めちゃめちゃうまい If you want to emphasize the good taste of dish, you should add "めちゃめちゃ"  in front of "うまい". It means very delicious. うますぎる If dish you eat is perfect taste and you want to express very and very delicious, you should use "うますぎる" うますぎる Umasugiru Very and very delisous The difference between おいしい and うまい Next, I explain these difference in detail. おいしい ...




How to say "Spirited Away" in Japanese & introduction of the place used in the movie.

Hi, I'm Kuma. Today, I explain how to say "Spirited Away" in Japanese and the place used in the movie. How to say "Spirited Away" in Japanese The Japanese title of "Spirited Away" is "千と千尋の神隠し(Sentochihirono kamikakushi). InuWhat's the meaning ot that NekoI explain that Vocaburary ・千尋(Chihiro)・・・The name of main character. She is 10 years old. ・と・・・and ・千(Sen)・・・This is another name of "Chihiro". She was given this name by  Yubaba. ・神隠し(Kamikakushi)・・・spirited away The whole meaning In Japanese title, 千と千尋(Sentochihiro)is added. 千尋(Chihiro) is real name and 千(Sen)is the name of the other world. (This is the world where many Gods who look like monsters live). 神隠し(Kamikakushi) means that people like children disappear in the mountain or forest which is considered as Shinto shrine precincts. In this movie, Chihiro  got lost in the world where gods live, so the title is 千と千尋の神隠し(Sentochihirono kamikakushi). The location used in the movie Do you know the place used in the movie? InuI know! It's Jiufen in Taiwan! NekoCorrect! Jiufen in Taiwan I have visited there so I explain this place by pictures which I took. It's near Taipei area, it's easy to go there from Taipei. The atmosphere of Jiufen It's similar to the world of "Spirited Away". I thought it is completely different from Japan. I was impressed with the scenery of this area. There were so many shops along a narrow road. They sold souvenirs, teas ,Chinese dish and so on. There are some shops which feature "Spirited Away". At last Thank you for reading this article. I'm happy if ...




How to say "Goodbye" in Japanese|native Japanese explains that!

Hi, I'm Kuma. Today, I explain how to say "Goodbye" in Japanese. It's important expression which you should know before traveling in Japan or coming to Japan. I'm native Japanese ...


How to say “How are you?” in Japanese?|Native speaker explains good expressions

Hello,I’m Kuma. Today,I explain how to say “How are you?” in Japanese. Inu I don’t know how to say “How are you in Japanese words, so I want to know ...


How to introduce yourself in Japanese? | Native speaker tells you good example!

Hi I'm Kuma from Japan. If you visit Japan,can you introduce yourself? Probably, it's difficult to explain yourself in Japanese. InuI want to introduce myself in Japanese, but I don't ...


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